Monday, October 11, 2010

ten on ten

I tend to follow lots of blogs....LOTS of blogs. I devour in them when I have the time {which typically is NOT very often}. Lots of Moms who stay at home, are inspiring, and have lots of great things to do and say. Many of those women do a blog title each month called "ten on ten". Each month on the tenth, they take one picture an hour and document the day. Well, this working Mom would love to have tried this in the past, but how fun would it be to see me each hour sitting at my computer, or in a meeting, or making get the idea.

Well, folks - here's my first ten on ten. Because it was Sunday Funday, and I could finally do it - on 10.10.10. Exciting :) Ha, well - we'll see if you think so...

The day started before sunrise, and NO ONE was in the mood for pictures at that moment. So when the sun came up, so did my flash...
{side note - why do my kids insist on being early birds!?}
And then I forgot to take pictures for a couple of next up, Jacks taking the LAST dose of his meds. {YES} before Sunday school...the creative cat is always thinking of a new way to pull the trigger on that one.
After Jacks and Brad left for church, Fin woke up {you know, JUST in time for me to NOT get a flat-iron through my hair} Good thing she's so adorable...that and the fact that she's so darn happy all the time.
Here we are, after finally getting ready, trying to get a pic before church. FAIL.
Typically I would say Ahhhhhh, church. But since my little man decided to run up and down the aisles the entire service, I think I need a do-over. Next week he's not winning the nursery refusal.
Sweet relief - quiet time.
Finally getting around to painting our bathroom. It only took, what, over a year!?
We had some visitors, and with a bit of begging, cookies with Uncle B were in production.
And we ended the day with lots of leaves and neighbors.
And since my camera battery died, that's my lame attempt on the day. Maybe next time the hubs will come through and make it look like I was actually there, too! :)


Sandy said...

Rach, looks like "hubs" has his hands full with baking and panting. Wow. You guys get more done on a Sunday than I do all week. Love to you all.

Sandy said...

oops I mean painting. I didn't see any panting going on!!!

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