Sunday, July 19, 2009

Patiently Waiting...

This is Jacks. In his jammies and a bicycle helmet. Waiting for the garbage truck to come on our first Friday at our new house. An entire HOUR before the garbage truck actually came.

Our Little Rock Stars

Saturday night, we had our favorite three-some over. It turned into a rock star party!

Aves found the perfect paino bench...
The boys were much more into the guitars.

I love this picture of T. SERIOUS rock material.
And our little band. Jack wasn't sure if he should be playing the piano or the drums, but it was still so much fun. Who knew the kids would love Outkast and Kenny Chesney all in the same set!?

And even though he isn't in a picture, Beckers was QUITE the little dancer.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Family of Three

I know, I know...this isn't a post about our new house. I have to admit that I have taken only about 4 pictures since we've moved in. Me. 4 pictures. How awful is that? I already regret not taking pictures of everyone helping us paint and move, but it wasn't exactly the first thing on my mind over the weekend. We're finally starting to get a bit more settled, and we all love our new found space. It's amazing how long it takes to get organized, but we're determined to have it done before Jack's party.

So - since I know a post is long overdue, here are some family pictures. The last family pictures as our little family of three. Why? Because I officially am getting larger by the day.
Jess took these pics for us - isn't she great? Another one of her talents I both love and hate her for. (But why not take advantage of them, right??) We love that they were taken in the backyard of our condo - because lets face it - those trails are one of the things the condo was GREAT for.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Visit with the girls

So, during our crazy week, I definitely had to make time to meet Carissa, Heidi and her girls for the afternoon. She is home for her sister's wedding, and since all of us had such crazy schedules, it only worked for us to meet half way in Brainerd. We had so much fun, we just only wish
1) that Heids lived here
2) that we could see her more than once or twice a year
3) that the visit would have lasted much longer!

Annabelle was much more interested in eating the sand chatting with the girls!

Ava is a little sweetie, but cracked us up with her "just being two" attitude. It's much cuter when it isn't your two-year-old saying "No Mommy!" :)

We hope we see you girls again VERY soon!

The 4th

The 4th of July was out of the ordinary for us, but we had a really good time. It started at the farm for some playing and grilling out. We typically go to the lake, but since we had chiggers a few weeks ago, we didn't want to risk it with the kids again. Here is a picture of the kiddos before they played outside. I didn't have my good camera with me, so Jess got a tone of good pictures but I don't really have any of the kids.

After the farm, we drove back to the cities to watch fireworks. Jacks had a hard time being patient before they started, but once the first "boom" went off, he was in heaven. He was the perfect age to watch them this year, so it was fun to spend the time with him. He even randomly started clapping when he liked the big ones!

We were on a steep hill, so we ended up laying on the ground and watching. Jacks cuddled up next to me - and this Mom was in heaven! For a little boy who HATES to cuddle, I loved the few minutes he liked it.

It's a.... surprise. Ha ha. We've decided to have the baby surprise everyone and not know the sex. It was so fun to see the baby this morning, and I have to admit I got teary-eyed just thinking about having a little baby in the house again. We just loved that it didn't look just like a peanut this time, that it looks like a baby now! The mouth kept opening and closing, and even had a couple of big yawns, it was pretty cute (although secretly I think when he/she yawned it looked like a dinosaur!)

Everything looked great and healthy...but the baby was moving around the entire time...AGAIN. Oh no, another active one! It was hard to get any great shots because he/she was moving around so much, but we were still so excited to see the babe.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Out to the Ball Game...

This is something my Dad has been talking about for a while...taking just his girls to a Twins game. Friday night we were actually all free (well, kind of but I'll explain that) so we went to the game. We had SO MUCH FUN. I actually said to Jess at one point "I hope Dad is having as much fun as we are." because we really did have that much fun.

Because my Dad had all girls, we have gotten him to do things he doesn't exactly want to do in point, this picture! But it is so funny. Can you pick him out?

Dad thought it would be fun to make a sign (of course we made Jess do it), so here while he was getting a hot dog, Jess and Kas tried to talk to the camera guy. Key word - tried. They got majorly blown off.
And when he got back with his hot dog, it was more like a dachshund. It was the BIGGEST hot dog ever. This picture does not do it justice since you can't see the three pound layer of condiments on there!

Here we are with our sign. Bert wasn't even there, but we had no idea...we held up that sign with no shame.
This last picture is to show HOW LONG we stayed at the game. It was 16 innings long. For me, Miss Preggo, that meant walking all the way up and down those stairs 4 times to go to the bathroom! It was 12:16 during this picture, I think it was 12:20 by the time the game was over. Kara had to leave at 9:30 to go to work (graveyard shift - hence the ALMOST free night) and laughed when she was an hour into her shift before we even left the game!
After the game, we had planned to drive back to the farm to stay out there since the hubbies and kiddos would be there in the morning anyway. Since it was so late (and the getting lost part on the way home didn't help...or the getting pulled over) we decided to stop in and eat at Canterbury since Kip was working. She was excited we came, and by the time we got to Jess' house at 2:30, we were WIPED OUT. Needless to say we didn't quite make it to the farm. But it truly was one of the most fun nights I've had in a long time.

Thanks, Dad!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

19 Weeks

19 Weeks!

I have been feeling pretty great. There have been a couple of pukey days, but for the most part, I am in the great stage of pregnancy. Now I remember what was fun about being pregnant! Jacks has been going through an "only Mommy can do it" stage, and this includes being up with him for a couple of hours in the middle of the night, so I've been pretty tired, but still feeling great. As long as I don't fall asleep on the way to work I call it a good day!

We've been so busy the last couple of weeks. Just when we think we've cleaned the house, we decide to pack a few more things and it is a total mess again. I've decided I'm definitely not washing my floors again until we move out. We're so excited to move next week, but we can't believe it's next week already! I'm already having a hard time thinking that I won't be able to paint and help a ton in the move, but my sisters and parents are all planning to help - they are simply the best.

Jacks wasn't feeling well last weekend with a temp that got as high as 103.5, and yesterday he ended up breaking out in a rash from the fever breaking. He's feeling back to normal, but I was worried about the rash, but the doc convinced me it wasn't a big deal.

We're looking forward to the weekend. Friday is a holiday for both of us, so we're hoping to get a lot of packing done when Kas is there to help watch Jacks. Friday night my Dad is taking all of his girls to the Twins game, and Saturday we're going out to the farm to get our things packed from out there. It's amazing how much we've shipped out there since our condo was on the market, so we're excited to get some of it in our new house (including wedding gifts even!!).

Next week will be just as crazy - we have Jack's first OT appointment on Monday, and we're really looking forward to getting some input on his sensory integration issues. Monday I also have an OB appointment, and then I'm off to Brainerd for the evening. Tuesday we have my ultrasound appointment, Wednesday we close on the condo, and Thursday we close on the house! BIG STUFF for the Hoverson family - that's for sure!! I'll try to update as often as I can, but who knows if I'll even have a computer set up next week. I am married to the tech God, so I'm sure we'll figure it out somehow :)

Have a great 4th of July weekend!!

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