Friday, December 23, 2011

pre-k christmas program

The day Jacks had been waiting for....
His pre-k Christmas program.

He was VERY secretive about anything they had planned, so of course this Mom was more than a little worried that it actually meant he didn't know his words (or just didn't want to say/sing anything).
I could not have been more wrong.

He not only knew the words, he participated and sang everything perfectly, and was so proud of himself.

He even had two surprise cheerleaders!
(Thank you two SO much for coming!!)
Jacks and his friend Ryan.
I just adore little boys, they're too adorable....
Despite the fact that their Mom sends them to school in a cute sweater, but it was just TOO HOT to wear for the program. Yep, that's Brad's kid.


friday morning

How can I possibly be annoyed with having to drive to work the Friday before Christmas when this was my scenery?
That coupled with the fact that I'm fairly certain no one else actually has to work, my typical commute from hell was HEAVENLY.

Friday, December 16, 2011

stats at two

Fin finally had her two year check up yesterday...

Here are the stats:
Weight: 25.4 lbs 42%
Height: 36 in 92%

Her current loves:
tea parties
sparkly shoes
santa hats
singing...she specializes in twinkle twinkle
counting anything and everything
twirling like a ballerina
helping mommy cook
wrestling with the boys
snow globes

I'm pretty sure she's all girl. I'm just waiting for the day she turns into a tomboy...right, Kip?

Monday, December 12, 2011

christmas program

This Sunday marked the start of Christmas with the Sunday School program at church.
My Mom and Dad were in town for my Dad's birthday and a delicious dinner the night before, so I begged her to take a picture before we left the house. I mean, you never know with this little family, you may never get another picture around Christmas.

Jack's face pretty much summed up how I feared the day would go:

But we did manage a decent pic. WOW.

Here we are during the program. Oh yeah, it was a family affair.
And nothing makes a pregnant girl feel more confident than wearing a burlap sack. Sigh.
I mean, don't we all look thrilled!? Ha.

My favorite group of little munchkins.

These two little men make me giggle so much. Just try looking at those faces without shaking your head with a chuckle. I dare you.

Smiles compliments of a candy cane in hand and mouth.

And I'm not sure I'm even going to try to take a picture of these two on Christmas Eve. 
Lord knows this is as good as it gets for my kiddos!!

After church we had the most DELISH chili compliments of Newman.
Find his recipe here.  Holy Hannah, I'm trying this with chicken.
My mouth is still watering just thinking about it.
And I promise it has nothing to do with being preggers. :) Or maybe it does.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

what's your guess??

So, what's your guess!?
Boy or girl??
Was Brad right or Rach??
Another little slugger, or a little lady??

Fin can't wait to sink her teeth in...

It's a.....


And up until today, that's what Jacks thought he wanted.
This morning he changed his mind....
And he couldn't hide his disappointment :(

But my little sweet tooth just wanted another taste...

Brad doesn't hear it often, but HE WAS RIGHT.
Another little lady around the house!!

{And just so you know, Jacks is already OK with another little sister.}

Thanks to Tracie and Jess for knowing my secret and not telling me...even if I did secretly want to know!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


She did it. My current baby turned two.
Although she's the first to correct you that she's no baby, she's a big girl.

For a couple of weeks leading to her party, we'd ask her who's birthday it was going to be.
It's MY birthday, she'd say.
She's so sweet, and still continues to grow up even when I bet her not to.

Little Miss Finley is talking up a storm.
She carries on full conversations with anyone that will listen, including her babies.
She cracks us up with the things she says.
{Side note - isn't it funny how many things kids pick up from their older siblings!?}

And on that note, she LOVES her brother....and can now successfully bully him as much as he does her.
She's a tough chick.

{Oh yeah, and meet Fiona. Her new Cabbage Patch Kid. She's the newest member of our family who goes EVERYWHERE with us.}

Kas snapped this picture quickly when I tried to get her to smile for a picture by herself. Meaning without Fiona.
Bad choice by Mommy.
{It's my party and I'll cry if I want to}

After some bribing, I did get this one.
That's as good as it gets at this stage in her little life.
Pink tounge compliments of the copious amounts of candy eaten at a candy shoppe party.

Tea party with Aves
{Cute tee made by adorable}
Silliness with Miya.

Her party hat.
Jess was spot on with "It's MY Birthday!"
Even Jess had heard it enough times to know.

She has been blowing out fake candles and singing Happy Birthday to her babies since a little one turned a year old at daycare. But when it came to her, she turned into a shy little gal. NOT normal :)

And that's it.
I never take a ton of pictures at birthday parties since we're usually so busy running around, but this time was particularly horrible.

Happy Birthday Finley Dana.

Now that reminds me, I should really blog about Jack's birthday, huh??  Now that I'm not feeling like I'm going to die feeling better I have no good excuse.
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