Friday, May 1, 2009


Let me start by saying that all of our friends with kids unfortunately don't live NEARLY as close to us as they should (hint hint...) ha.
Jacks still gets playdates...."grown-up" playdates! On Thursday nights, Darcy and Liz's husbands and Brad play softball together.  Since the weather was chilly this week, we decided to forgo the game and hang out instead.  We quickly learned we couldn't even finish half a story without Jacks needing something, so the attention turned to him.  And he LOOOOOVED it.
Can't you tell??
Oh yeah, and he's obsessed with balls.  The bigger the better, and Darcy had the biggest ever.

When we left, Jacks asked if Darc and Wiz were coming with us to the farm this weekend...I think they were a hit!


Carissa said...

Looks like a pretty fun playdate! I want to join too:)

Heidi Myhre said...


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