Sunday, July 19, 2009
Our Little Rock Stars
Aves found the perfect paino bench...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Family of Three

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Visit with the girls
The 4th
It's a....

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Out to the Ball Game...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
19 Weeks
I have been feeling pretty great. There have been a couple of pukey days, but for the most part, I am in the great stage of pregnancy. Now I remember what was fun about being pregnant! Jacks has been going through an "only Mommy can do it" stage, and this includes being up with him for a couple of hours in the middle of the night, so I've been pretty tired, but still feeling great. As long as I don't fall asleep on the way to work I call it a good day!
We've been so busy the last couple of weeks. Just when we think we've cleaned the house, we decide to pack a few more things and it is a total mess again. I've decided I'm definitely not washing my floors again until we move out. We're so excited to move next week, but we can't believe it's next week already! I'm already having a hard time thinking that I won't be able to paint and help a ton in the move, but my sisters and parents are all planning to help - they are simply the best.
Jacks wasn't feeling well last weekend with a temp that got as high as 103.5, and yesterday he ended up breaking out in a rash from the fever breaking. He's feeling back to normal, but I was worried about the rash, but the doc convinced me it wasn't a big deal.
We're looking forward to the weekend. Friday is a holiday for both of us, so we're hoping to get a lot of packing done when Kas is there to help watch Jacks. Friday night my Dad is taking all of his girls to the Twins game, and Saturday we're going out to the farm to get our things packed from out there. It's amazing how much we've shipped out there since our condo was on the market, so we're excited to get some of it in our new house (including wedding gifts even!!).
Next week will be just as crazy - we have Jack's first OT appointment on Monday, and we're really looking forward to getting some input on his sensory integration issues. Monday I also have an OB appointment, and then I'm off to Brainerd for the evening. Tuesday we have my ultrasound appointment, Wednesday we close on the condo, and Thursday we close on the house! BIG STUFF for the Hoverson family - that's for sure!! I'll try to update as often as I can, but who knows if I'll even have a computer set up next week. I am married to the tech God, so I'm sure we'll figure it out somehow :)
Have a great 4th of July weekend!!