Sunday, February 7, 2010

Up North

We went up north in Mid-January again this year to spend a day with Brad's dad. This year was really nice since we decided to make it a weekend instead of a day trip. We stayed in a hotel in Brainerd and it was so great to break up the long drive.

Jacks and Brad had the pool to themselves in the afternoon, and I'm not sure who loved swimming more...Jacks getting thrown by Brad, or B trying to impress us with how high he could splash :)

That night, we decided Finners should try out the pool too - and she surprisingly loved the water...and I loved her little bikini!

Here is Miss Miya while opening gifts - she's such a hoot with the glasses and pants pulled way up :)

Melissa and the little ladies - Miya wasn't very fond of Mommy holding another baby!

And the boys having a wrapping paper fight - Jacks loves to see the kids, we only wish we could more often!


Heidi Myhre said...

I just LOVE the bikini!!!'s great :)

Heidi Myhre said...

I've been waiting for an update from you! It's been 2 weeks!!....that is a record for you! :) I'll try calling you tomorrow...

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