Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Heart Melters

Have I mentioned before how much we love our nieces and nephews?

Oh - I have? Ok, no need to gush. But come ON - they're adorable.
We love playdates. In fact, Jacks asks EVERY DAY for one. Every.Single.Day. Augh.
I'm pretty sure Aves is going to be the best babysitter some day! Plus, they matched, so she insisted on pictures. And when someone ASKS to take a picture? It's hard for me to put the camera away :)
Smile, boys. No Jack...smile....not chubby face. Jack?? Are you hurt? JACK!? Hopeless.

Kara saw this picture on my fridge this weekend and requested a copy. All of them sitting together. And no one is making a super weird face? THAT is the weird part!

Nothing beats a little hop-scotch.

Oh wait - maybe hoppity ball tag does. I mean, you can almost hear Avery laughing through the screen, can't you??

Heart them all. End of story.

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