Friday, October 1, 2010

finster update - 10 months old

How is my baby gal 10 months old already!? I can't stand that she's getting so big, even though I have to admit these are some of my favorite stages for babies...she is such a little doll.
If you ask her what a puppy says, she'll "huh huh" for you while shrugging her shoulders.
She makes a fish face more often than not. {but of course not for a picture}
She's obsessed with babies. Real or dolls, OBSESSED with them. She calls them Dadadadadada. Dada is Brad, but Dadadadada is a baby.
She's recently noticed pictures on the walls...and now points to them when you ask where Finley or Jack is.
She's a happy happy little baby. She's still tiny, in the 11th percentile for weight and 60th for height.

She loves to laugh at Jacks making funny faces, and cracks us up a ton.

She is no longer walking, she's in a total running mode. Usually sideways since she's going too fast to walk a straight line.

And she's got four teeth. Two tops, two bottoms.
Her top teeth crack us up because they're so huge and so far apart. Jess assures us that Tate's were the same way and his turned out normal :)

All in all, she's simply our little honey pie.


Mergen's said...

Charlie and Fin have the same type of teeth! Cute! Charlie has those 4 as well. Lilly just has her bottom 2 so far.

Carissa said...

I can't believe she is growing so fast! I need to see her soon!

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