Thursday, October 27, 2011

little helper

What can I say, this little lady loves her Daddy.
Even when he has to put a new faucet in, and doesn't need her help.

When she hopped up on top of him, we both just laughed.
So much different than Jacks when he was her age...his help consisted of hiding all of the tools :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


The other day, I got a text message from Jess saying:
"I think your condition is having an effect on my oldest son."

And along with it came this picture:

Yep, pregnant dinosaurs.

I mean, there are no words how much I adore this picture.
Tate and his creative little brain, he has such a big place in my heart.
He didn't talk to Jess for a few hours after she showed me, he was embarrassed and thought I would be mad.
MAD. Seriously. Who could be mad at something so funny!?
We've talked about it since and how much I loved it, so on Sunday he brought it to me for a gift.
And now it's on my fridge. That's how much I love all of these 'pregnet' dinos. :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

meeting miss ryann

Last week, 5 of us girlfriends {and little man Parker} flew out to Milwaukee to visit Gina, and meet her newest member...Little Miss Ryann Marie.

It is funny how quickly you forget what little peanuts we bring home.
Ryann was 11 days old, and SO cute, cuddly, and unbelievably sweet.
I am pretty sure we heard her cry only once, and she's such a good sleeper for her Mommy...
{and we all know that's what we pray for, right!?}

I mean....just SOAK in this cuteness.

She has made me even more anxious to meet my baby.
Which I do realize is a LOOOOONG time away :)

Big brother Donovan was quite the little show off for the girls.
He even had to whip out Lightning McQueen in case we didn't know how awesome he was :)

Friday night before we left, we got to take Gina out to dinner.
It was the typical dinner with lots of chatting, a few tears, and lots of laughs.
I'm so fortunate to have these girls in my life...and we make some pretty beautiful babies if I do say so myself :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

growing up and getting big

I can't believe it, but in a little over a month, my 'baby' will be two.
TWO. How did that happen!?
She is a funny little girl.
She is ALWAYS chatting. {I can't imagine where she would get that trait from!?}
And she is the best little Mommy to any doll she can get her hands on.

Oh yeah, and she's OBSESSED with pockets.
Jacks is still a little dare devil, and is doing SO GREAT in his new school.  Like, REALLY great.
I couldn't be more proud of the little man he is becoming. 

I'm slowly starting to feel better, so hopefully I'll be back tracking through our entire summer of photos.
We'll see if that actually happens :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

12 weeks

Just a quick update from earlier in the week. Twelve weeks and counting.

Monday, October 3, 2011

iPhone photos

Here's what's been going on in the past couple of months via my iPhone...

A sad attempt to get her bib off during dinner.  When Jacks said it was her princess hair, she left it the rest of the meal.

Little hands outside of windows on warm days. Love.
An edible pumpkin with no stem? Jip.And weird.
Friday Night Shenanigans.
Me and Finny....lovin' up lots of lake time.
Having a car was before the big birthday party.
 Remote control cars, a 5 year old dream land.
 Finley pointing out what her and Jessi were going to be for Halloween.
No, not Finley and MOMMY, Finley and Jessi. Hmph.
{But Je - I think you'd look great looking like Carmen Miranda! Hee hee}

 Nice helmet, Pete. And nice face.
 Parker Playdate.
 My cute little ring bearer and flower girl.
 My girlfriend didn't believe how big I'd gotten over the week.  Well, this is my view, and proof to her.

Peace out, Peeps.
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