Thursday, March 19, 2009


Just a few weeks ago, during our visit to see Kara in Duluth, Kip passed the comment that Jacks doesn't like her. Well - let me say, he doesn't do well in big groups, and I'm pretty sure when we're all together that may qualify as a big group. Since Kara has pretty much been in college or super busy since Jack has been around, he hasn't spent a ton of time with her one-on-one.

On Sunday, Kara spent the night at our house so B could bring her to the airport early Monday morning. Jack immediately took Kara by the hand, and was stuck to her side the entire night. I think they both needed some alone time :)

I brought my camera with to the park, but Jack hardly even knew I was there...he was SO into having Kip do everything with him. It was so cute.

Jack is lucky to have each and every one of his aunts...they are all so great to and with him.
We hope you're having fun in Texas, Kip!!

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