Monday, August 31, 2009

A what??

I have tons to blog about from this weekend, but when I got my weekly "you're this many weeks along" email today, it said the baby was the size of a Chinese Cabbage. A what!?!? So I had to look for a picture....

So there it is people, the size of my baby this week. 28 weeks...a Chinese Cabbage. 2 1/4 pounds and 15 inches long... I only hope mine is a little bit cuter and not quite as wrinkly.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

There's no free lunch!

Last weekend, we babysat the kiddos. Since we had just gotten a new tree from my parents (THANK YOU THANK YOU!) we had to do a little digging around the tree. We really weren't planning on having the kids help out, but it worked out so well - they had such a great time pulling the grass up.

Once the big piles came out, they put them all in the wagon, and took them to the other side of the yard to dump. It was seriously adorable.
Which was more fun - digging dirt, or just digging for worms??
Tate won the award for the heaviest loads. It's pretty deceiving, but these were HEAVY!
They got so dirty - but what's more fun than that?? I didn't get any pictures, but after we were done, we let all of the kids run through the hose and B sprayed them all down pretty well. Good thing they all had jammies to jump into when they got out of the shower!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


This summer, my pregnant partner-in-crime Darcy and I have been doing yoga Wednesday nights.

The other night, Jacks decided to show me how it's REALLY done.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

But, where IS she??

This summer, we were so lucky to have Kasey call us and ASK if we wanted a part-time nanny. Um, YEAH! She typically came Wednesday nights and stayed with us through Friday, so we got to see a lot of her. So much of her, in fact, that when we moved into our new house, we don't have a "spare" bedroom, but we have "Kasey's room".

Last week was our last week with Kasey around. When Jacks woke up Saturday morning (and Sunday, and Monday, and Tuesday) he ran into Kasey's room and asked "Mom - where's Kas?!?" When I told him she wasn't going to be staying with us anymore, he would ask..."but Mom - where IS she??"

We're all pretty sad she's gone, but since she moved into her dorm room on Saturday, we know she's having too much fun to feel sad! :)

Here was Kasey's last day with Jacks...

I love her face in this picture, like she shouldn't have EXPECTED some retaliation on the bucket dumps!

We miss you, Kas!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

25 Weeks

So, yes, this was taken 2 weeks ago....but as you can tell, I've been a bit busy! This was taken on our trip to Chicago, so I'm sure I've gotten a bigger since this, but you get the idea :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009


For Kasey's grad gift, we decided to take a trip just us girls to Chicago. We had SUCH a fun time. We were SO lucky that my friend Alyssa let us stay at her gorgeous apartment in the city so we didn't have to worry about a hotel (and I may add that as of the week before, we still hadn't reserved a room, so we're REALLY lucky she offered!!)

Here we are on Alyssa's rooftop...

And at dinner before Blue Man Group.

It was a great weekend of hanging out and shopping. Not even the hot weather kept us away from walking around and shopping all day. Can you tell by Jess' shirt that it was a bit steamy?? Sorry Jess, but the picture was too funny not to put up here.

Friday, August 14, 2009

She's Baaaaaack!

I sound so excited to tell you that my friend Rene` from high school is back. I should say she WAS back in town, but we only got to spend a night with her. :( It's always so much fun to see her! We met at Ashley's house, and this time we even brought the kiddos.

Ashley, Rene`, and me
Jacks was just as excited to go - but he just wanted to play with Baby Shay all night!

By the way - can you tell I'm playing catch-up with all of my posts? They're not very creative, but I'm so far behind!!

Base Runner

On Monday and Thursday nights, B has been playing softball. On the last game of the season, I finally remembered to bring my camera! Jack's favorite part of the night is when he gets to run the bases!! (And I'm sure you're not shocked to hear that he tries to sneak onto the field about 20 times during the game!)

By the end, his face is so red!
A little part of me has to admit I'm glad the season is over...I think I get as much of a work-out as both of the boys just chasing after Jacks!

Weekend up north

We were so excited to be able to spend some time up north this year with the Newmans. They rent a house on the lake, and although our plans were definitely shortened since we took so much time off when we were moving, we had a blast. We only wish we had more time there!

Here are a ton of pictures (although I have TONS more on my computer)
Jack's first time fishing - and his first fish!
I love Beckett's face in this picture...

Look at those curls!
Jacks even went by himself....for about 10 seconds.

I'm sure my Mom will LOVE this picture, but she really was caught off guard by the camera, and it's so funny :) This woman cracks me up.
It rained almost every day they were up there, so the puddles were a plenty. The kids started walking really slowly through it...and then this kick happened.
And before we knew it...
It turned into something like this :)

Thanks for having us up, Newman fam!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Run Run Running

I know I have tons to blog about - but I knew this one would be quick. Last night Brad, my Dad, and Newman went to the Twins game, and since Jess had a meeting, the kiddos came over to play. We LOVE when they come, and this time it consisted solely on running and rolling up and down the hills in our back yard. Yes, it was about 90 degrees out and Avery has long sleeves on (it was the FIRST thing Jess mentioned to me when they walked through the door.) She is so darn funny. These were taken on my phone so definitely not the best action shots, but still funny.

And I had to post this picture because Ave thought it was so hilarious. She wanted me to take her picture by herself, and JUST as she was getting close, she took a huge digger...and this is what my phone caught of it.
Jack and Aves are so funny - all Avery would have to say is "Jack - you're a Prince!" and they would RUN to each other with their arms open and hug and fall to the ground. They cracked me up all night. And Beckett just crawled around like a lion, purely content. Typical Beckers :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

When Mom Is Away!!!!

Jack and I are attempting to survive without mom this week and so far it has been going pretty well. We have been in constant movement since Rachel left on Wednesday! We have been biking, playing baseball, building sandcastles, swinging and we even took in a teeball game over at the school behind our house (good game Braxton!). Jack has also been asking if mommy is coming home soon every 30 minutes are so! We miss you mommy!

I was also thinking back at how different our lives have become since we have moved into the house..... Last year it was a chore just to go outside with all of the steps and elevators; not to mention the lack of a yard! Now, we are able to let Jack run and run; however, we are still waiting for the day that he just crashes from exhaustion! I'm starting to think that will never happen!

Here's a quick video shot from my iphone of Jack's swinging.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I know a lot of you read Jess' blog, so you've most likely seen these pictures. See, Jess and I have a pact...if you're the hostess, you don't worry about the pictures...that's what your sister is for! So these all came from Jess' camera. And I love her for it. It means that for a whole day, I don't have to pick up my camera, and since she took 199 pictures, I certainly don't have to feel guilty for it!

We did a Super Hero party for Jacks. Now, I'm not big on "characters". You know, the Superman or Batman thing - its just not "my" thing...but since I do have perhaps the best climber and flier in the tri-state area, a Super Hero party was pretty fitting. Jess came up with the colors, and the SUPER JACK logo, and the rest is history...

We had such a fun day. It was SO MUCH FUN to have a birthday party in our new house. Our newfound freedom house I may add. We love our house. We can MOVE. And have PEOPLE over. And not feel like we're cuddled up like newborn piglets when those people are IN our house. We love it. Now you all must come over more often. :) Oh, right...the party. And the pictures....

I had Jess make logos for the other kiddos too and I made them into tees so they could ALL be Super Heros! And aren't the masks adorable?!

The capes - they're my Mom's talent. The three older kiddos had them last year, but Beckers was too little, so my Mom had to do a little party planning in making one last cape for Beckett!

Tracie used the logo Jess made for the cake, turned out SO CUTE and Jacks loved it.

Since we only had three birthday hats, I had to wear Jack's crown for our typical sister pic. But WOW - can someone have told me that a pregnant lady should NEVER stand straight-on to a camera?? Whoa.

I said it would never happen, but Jacks got an electric car from Arnie & Gail and Scott & Deb...and he does a much better job driving NOT like me than I thought he would!

Thanks again to Jess, we LOVE her decorations!!!! (not to mention she gets a call almost daily from Jacks saying "Jessi, can I come over?!" or "Jessi, can TateAveryBeckerboo come to my new house?!" Because clearly, he longs to have someone other than Mom and Dad to play with, and clearly, the Newman kids don't have separate names...they are as one.)

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