I know a lot of you read Jess' blog, so you've most likely seen these pictures. See, Jess and I have a pact...if you're the hostess, you don't worry about the pictures...that's what your sister is for! So these all came from Jess' camera. And I love her for it. It means that for a whole day, I don't have to pick up my camera, and since she took 199 pictures, I certainly don't have to feel guilty for it!
We did a Super Hero party for Jacks. Now, I'm not big on "characters". You know, the Superman or Batman thing - its just not "my" thing...but since I do have perhaps the best climber and flier in the tri-state area, a Super Hero party was pretty fitting. Jess came up with the colors, and the SUPER JACK logo, and the rest is history...
We had such a fun day. It was SO MUCH FUN to have a birthday party in our new house. Our
newfound freedom house I may add. We love our house. We can MOVE. And have PEOPLE over. And not feel like we're cuddled up like newborn piglets when those people are IN our house. We love it. Now you all must come over more often. :) Oh, right...the party. And the pictures....

I had Jess make logos for the other kiddos too and I made them into tees so they could ALL be Super
Heros! And aren't the masks adorable?!

The capes - they're my Mom's talent. The three older kiddos had them last year, but
Beckers was too little, so my Mom had to do a little party planning in making one last cape for Beckett!

Tracie used the logo Jess made for the cake, too...it turned out SO CUTE and Jacks loved it.

Since we only had three birthday hats, I had to wear Jack's crown for our typical sister pic. But WOW - can someone have told me that a pregnant lady should NEVER stand straight-on to a camera?? Whoa.

I said it would never happen, but Jacks got an electric car from Arnie & Gail and Scott & Deb...and he does a much better job driving NOT like me than I thought he would!

Thanks again to Jess, we LOVE her decorations!!!! (not to mention she gets a call almost daily from Jacks saying "Jessi, can I come over?!" or "Jessi, can
TateAveryBeckerboo come to my new house?!"
Because clearly, he longs to have someone other than Mom and Dad to play with, and clearly, the Newman kids don't have
separate names...they are as one.)