Saturday, December 3, 2011

what's your guess??

So, what's your guess!?
Boy or girl??
Was Brad right or Rach??
Another little slugger, or a little lady??

Fin can't wait to sink her teeth in...

It's a.....


And up until today, that's what Jacks thought he wanted.
This morning he changed his mind....
And he couldn't hide his disappointment :(

But my little sweet tooth just wanted another taste...

Brad doesn't hear it often, but HE WAS RIGHT.
Another little lady around the house!!

{And just so you know, Jacks is already OK with another little sister.}

Thanks to Tracie and Jess for knowing my secret and not telling me...even if I did secretly want to know!


Jess said...

So exciting and a priceless chain of events to watch. From your shocked face and shaking hands to poor Jacky's disappointed crying sesh, freakin' priceless. XOXO. Bring on more pink!

Hove's said...

I knew it! Woot another girl, that is awesome. I'm glad Jack is feeling better about it. Maybe that just means you should have one more ;-)

The Remme's said...

wooo hoooo for more pink! Love it :)

Heather said...

Hi Rachel. I'm Angela Broadwater's sister, Heather. Congratulations on baby #3! We must me due around the same time. My date is April 22nd. We're having boy #3!

Beautiful pictures! Your family is gorgeous!

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