Monday, October 15, 2012


There is a new swear word in our house. 

I knew this was going to happen some day, and that day came.
And then it lingered....and lingered...and lingered.
And although we're not out of the woods yet, things are looking up in the Hoverson House.

On Thursday the 4th, Jacks had his tonsils and adenoids removed.

After being told for a couple of years that we should keep an eye on them, a second opinion let us know they should be taken out, and ASAP. Although I knew it would be better after all was said and done, I was scared for him, and nervous for his recovery.

{Photos are both from my phone and camera}

The morning started early, but he was in such great spirits.
I had taken him on a tour of Children's earlier in the week while Brad was out of town, and Jacks felt really confident that he was going to do great.
I truly believed it helped his anxiety, but he wasn't aware of what he was in for.

Seriously, looking a bit too chipper.

What do you do when you're nervous for your little dude??
Pick your manicure off, obviously.

 We held his hands as he went to sleep, and he woke up crying for Mommy.
This is about 15 minutes after he woke up, watching a movie.

 I felt so sad for him.
I kept trying to do anything I could to take his pain away...
Rubbing his hair, asking what he wanted, offering anything...and all was declined.
Brad was laughing so hard telling me to stop being "all Mommy" on him for a minute.

Finally he was able to have some Tylenol, and ten minutes later he jumped up and wanted a freezie.
Thank GOD for Tylenol.

I think this was his favorite part...being able to ride in a wheelchair.

We made it home, and barely.
I'm pretty sure the ride made him sick, and within seconds of walking through the door, I had a sick little man on my hands.
At least he made it to the toilet instead of puking in the car!

It was a ROUUUUGH week after that.
Lots of screaming.
Lots of crying.
Lots of asking WHY oh WHY do I have to have my tonsils out?!?!
Lots of praying with Mommy that God would help him heal quickly.
Lots of naps.
Lots of cartoons.
Lots and lots of Mommy and Jack time.
And lots of board games.

 On day six, I was worried.
Really worried.
Things took a turn for the worse with a fever, and I couldn't even get him to take Tylenol or Advil anymore for fear of swallowing.
I posted this picture on Facebook asking for prayers...because not even a "handsome shirt" made him feel better.

And let me just say, thank you for the power of prayer. The next morning I woke up to this...

A smile.
A far far cry from the screaming match we had the day before over Advil.
That day we called the doctor and were given the OK to give him adult Advil which was much easier for him to swallow, and things have been on the up ever since.

Today is day eleven.
I know his scabs are most likely coming off, so I'm ready for a couple of more painful days, but he is finally back at school, and feeling much much better.

Brad and I were able to sneak away this weekend for a bit while my parents watched the kiddos, and Jack had a hard time with me leaving. That hasn't happened in years, but then I realized, for ten days he had been attached to my hip. Literally. He made me sit with him all day while I worked. He made me lay by him until he fell asleep. He was right by me again when he woke up, and he wasn't sure how to feel about me going away.  Those days and moments are so few and far between, I have to remember to take a moment and enjoy when he needed his Mommy again.

I just hope that what they say is true...that it really is worth it in the long run.

1 comment:

Marco Family said...

Such a good mommy!!! Such a trooper you are Jack! miss you!

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