Thursday, November 20, 2008

A litte giddy

OI randomly won tickets to the Cities 97 Sampler Release Party for Wednesday night, and when I heard Jason Mraz was going to be there...I was all in! Thanks, Jess, for being our last-minute sitter!!

Here are a couple of pictures of Jason Mraz playing...and no, these are not cropped in, we really were that close. I could have touched him if I wanted....and believe me, I wanted. :) Brad's friend Keith actually called during the show and said "I think I just saw you on the news!" Yep - that was us!!

OK - a secret on me. I'm a little bit obsessed with Brian Oake's voice. I honestly look forward to when he comes on the radio in the afternoon, so when he started talking to Brad and I - I made B snap a picture...of course it would be blurry, augh.

Two quick facts you should know before this next picture. Who watched FRIENDS? Everyone, right? Remember Ross and Rachel's celebrity "Freebies List"? If you know Brad, you probably know he's obsessed with Jeanette Trumpeter, a local news anchor. She is number one on his "Freebie List". Well - on our way out the door, Brad stopped in his tracks, looked at me and said "Oh my God, I think it's JT" Yes, that's right...JT...his little nickname for her! Well, I told him he HAD to take a picture with her, and she was all for it! She cuddled all into him...lay off, JT! And I have to admit, I told her she was on his list.....HA.

I'm really not kidding when I say this made his night. Week. Year? Come on...look at that smile on his face!

Oops - I (Rach) realized I posted this under Brad's name...oh well.


Kasey said...

oh my god.
i've never seen the guy smile so big.

Marco Family said...

You know what is kind of funny, she sort of looks like you!!! Ha! Brad, what I nice husband, would want a freebie with someone who looks like his wife! I love it!

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