Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Baby gal has teeth. Or as Jacks would say, "teef".

She took them like a champ. Just a few nights of crying, but nothing a little Tylenol couldn't take care of.

We were shocked she got them so soon {Yes, I know 7 months isn't early}. At her six month check-up, her ped said she would be walking before she gets teeth, so I stopped checking daily like I had for two months.

Enter a night when all of my sisters babysat my kids. Yes, all of them - Jacks was in heaven.
Jess called to ask if I had already given Fin Tylenol. "Tylenol? For what??" "For her teeth."


Baby gal had teeth and I hadn't even checked.

And on another note, she has officially turned the age that grabs for the camera. The days of the sit and shoot are over. :)


Carissa said...

She is growing up so fast!

Heidi Myhre said...

I want to meet the little babe!!! She is so darn cute, I just love her.

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