1. F3 Night is great for so many reasons
F3 stands for Friday Family Fun Night at our church and has become a night that we look forward to each month. It's great to spend some quality time with other families at church and have the kids work out some energy!
2. I really enjoy spending time with my wife
This weekend, Rachel and I went to a Dave Matthew's Band concert in Chicago. We decided to drive to Chicago rather than fly and I'm glad we did. Being in the car together for 12 hours in a day and a half was fun. It's been a while since we were just able to enjoy each other's company without having to attend to one of the kids. The time in the car allowed us to catch up on the past month of randomness and to eat a few too many Starbursts!
3. 90's on 9 is the greatest XM station out there
We decided to keep our XM radio subscription a little while longer once we found this station. This station also provided a little entertainment on way to Chicago as we took turns dating ourselves by guessing the year of the song. Pop2K and The Coffee House are a close second and third!
4. I Thought I Was Years Away From Boyfriend Talk
I actually had to compete for Rachel's attention with two other guys on Saturday night. She refers to Dave Matthews and Jason Mraz as her "Two Boyfriends" and they sure didn't disappoint at Wrigley Field. They both put on a great show and I'm pretty sure Rachel thought they were both signing for her (and not the 40,000 other people!). I'm glad I got to come along for the ride :)
5. Technology Rules
I always get grief for my love for gadgets and computers, but this weekend I felt a sense of adoption coming to the Hove Household.
On Friday we decided it was time to catch up on all of the Modern Family episodes that we had missed before it became a regular show for us, so I signed us up for Hulu Plus and BAM, a minute later we had every episode to date available to watch. They are starting to put together an impressive TV catalog.
On Saturday we went out before the concert to a place called Rockit Bar and Grill for some food and drinks. As usual, I finished my food first and starting playing around on my phone. I wanted to see how many people were checked in for the concert on FourSquare and found that you get 20% your food bill if you show your waitress that you have checked in to Rockit. It was hard to argue with that find!
Then on Sunday we were driving home from Chicago and I received a frantic call from a buddy in our fantasy football league. He needed me to approve a trade before the noon kickoff and I had to sign-in to our site to do so. Well, out comes the iPad and Droid X (my phone). I pulled over to the side of the road and let Rachel drive for 10 minutes while I attended to fantasy football.
That's all for now. I'll try and do this a little for frequently so that Rachel's name doesn't dominate the post count as much.
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