Friday, April 8, 2011

mc date

This week was one for the books.  Or not for the books, depending on how you want to look at it.

I've been SUPER stressed out, Brad and Jacks weren't feeling well, Fin has been OVER THE TOP whiney with another two teeth on the way. I am emotional, work has been overwhelming, plus I'm mourning the move of one of the best people I have ever worked with
{I know you're reading this...please reconsider the move...!?}
Brad threw in he has to be in Vegas three days next week, and to top it off....
Yesterday I didn't realize until 3:31pm that I had my shirt INSIDE OUT the entire day.
Did I mention STRESSED OUT!?  
Yep, one of those weeks...yish.

Sometimes when all is feeling ill and stressed, you just need to get away, even if it's for just one minute.

So that's exactly what I did.
I drove to pre-school, kidnapped my little man for a Friday hookey lunch date, and sat and listened to how awesome of a kid he is.
'Cause that' what he is.  One.Awesome.Kid.

I'm pretty sure these golden arches never looked so good to either of us.
{Jacks was supposed to have beef stew for lunch...}

I'm pretty sure a little ice cream and a lot of giggles can cure the blues for anybody.

And the sun was so bright Jacks insisted he could not look at the camera, his eyes needed to stay shut.

Our yard is going to get much love from little feet this weekend. {If the rain holds off, that is}
The windows have been opened, the heat shut off.  The smell of fresh air making all the sickies from the winter blow away.

And yes, I know...I have a LOT to be thankful for...I promise I need no reminding of that.
But thanks for reading the vent.  I truly feel better already.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Inside out. CLASSIC!!

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