Wednesday, June 29, 2011

proving what i knew all along

So, once again so much to blog about....we've been busy with some really fun things, but do you ever feel like you've taken so many pictures that you don't know where to start?  'Cause that's where I'm at.  Too many pictures, too little time.

I do however have one. We've had some interesting days as of late.
Long days, long nights, lots of reflection, prayers, and appointments are ahead of us.
Longing for answers, searching for support.
A little man who has the sweetest heart that sometimes struggles to show.

On one particularly hard day, Jacks came to me and said "Mama, close your eyes...I have something to show you."
Typically, these are NOT the words I long to hear.  A spilled glass of milk, all of the tin foil unravelled into a space ship, Finley diaperless with pee underneath her. You know, the usual.

But not this day.
On this occasion, when I opened my eyes, I saw this angel drawn on the driveway.

To most, this may not seem like a big deal, but to this Mom, it was huge.
Number one - Jacks does not like fine motor things.  Drawing, coloring, writing. It's like pulling teeth.
What makes it better!?  The following statement...

"Mama, I know you're having a hard day, so I thought I could draw your sister, Dana, to talk to."

Yes. Seriously. That happened.
See, we've also been talking a lot in our house about the power of prayer.
Talking to Jesus, talking to God, and how I sometimes even talk to Dana.

It may have even made my week. Or month.

Because even on hard days, even when I don't think he understands how much we love him and want to help him to feel better, 
he shows us that God is in his heart, just like I knew all along.

Friday, June 24, 2011

game day

Once a year, we take the kiddos to a Twins game.
You know, the one that is paid for by Brad's work!?
Because I'm sorry, but I kind of refuse to pay for four seats when we were in the for a total of 3 outs.
Yep, you read that right. Not even an entire inning.

We did have a blast though. This year was a bit different than last.
Jacks wanted to sit and watch.
Fin did not.
Oh, how times have changed.

Sharing some yummy treats with his favorite little gal.

And keeping some all to himself :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

backyard buddies

These two cutie patooties are Jack's favorite backyard buddies...Quinn and Nina.
These two melt my heart.  The sweetest, most fun little kids...we are truly lucky to have such great neighbors!

The one day it was actually warm enough to run around all day in swimsuits, we all took full advantage.

The boys don't just hop in the pool, it's a production!

Jacks, hiding from Q...

...didn't last long!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

little gifts

This summer, we're lucky to have Liezel here during the days with the kids as our nanny.
She's been great with them so far {even if the weather doesn't allow for much pool time}.

Most days when we get home, we have a little gift waiting for us. A picture, play dough, or on this occasion...many little creatures.
And there were strict instructions not to take any of these apart.  Little man was pretty proud.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

phone pics

News Flash:
Turns out once you upgrade your phone, it works for more things than just working.
You know, like Words with Friends, Angry Birds, and continuous photo taking.

Problem: none of said photos ever make it anywhere besides the once in a while Facebook update or funny picture text.
So, here it is...the compilation of the random photos that were on my phone...

Gorg rainbow off our front step.

Birthday dinner with my honey.

One of the sweetest little ladies on earth.

Damn sun.

Jen and Joe.

Anything is appropriate attire at the lake.

The graduate.

Avery's dance accessories, worn to perfection.

Waiting for the boys at the zoo.

Actual temp via my car.

And then two days later...brrrrrr.

Having a fiesta with Parker.

Lay off the tequila, little lady.

Date day - and apparently that damn sun again according to B.

Lunch after church.  Or, forgo lunch and go straight to the cookies.

Getting out of the shower, finding your little sneakers who have both fallen back to sleep in my bed. 
{Insert melting Mommy's heart here}

Fat Booth.  Don't have it? Download it now.  Even your 18 month old will think it's funny.
Plus, post something like this on your fridge and those last 5 pounds might actually come off.

Pool Pals.
Peace out, peeps.

Monday, June 20, 2011

my little monkies

A couple of weeks ago, we decided to pack up and take all of the kids to the zoo
{have I mentioned we have another summer daughter this year!?  Kas moved in!!}

It was so much fun this year, as Fin was really old enough to point things out, make animal noises, and giggle with joy as she saw things that she thought were as hilarious as she thinks she is!

Helping Kas push the now empty stroller...
We decided we look tired and terrible in every picture we've taken this summer.  Maybe it's because I'm not used to having such great entertainment to keep me awake far past my bedtime every night she's not working into the wee hours of the morning!

And what's a hot hot day at the zoo without a meltdown or two!?

Yes, Jacks was there too...he just runs too fast and refuses to take pictures these days :(

I'm not sure who was shocked more during this picture...the goat, me or Fin, but when he jumped right onto my shoulders I screamed.  Oops :)

Group shot...It pays to have a live-in photographer!

And one for my hubs... {Happy Father's Day, by the way!!}

Happy Summer, my summer daughter.  We're glad to have you!!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

pre-k picnic

The Saturday after graduation, we all got together for a pre-k picnic.

It was so much fun {even for Finster} and a bittersweet moment as Jacks won't be seeing his friends.

It was a hot, fun day playing, playing, and a few snacks mixed in...

Jacks and Jack

I love this picture.  This is Fin's reaction to any baby she sees.


And I couldn't resist one of baby Jameson....oh, he's a honey.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

tony danza

Originally, I had titled this post tiny dancer.
But the entire time I thought about it, I could only hear the words..
"Hold me closer Tony Danza..."
Thank you, FRIENDS for making references that never get old.

ANYWAY...our little lady...Avery Elaine was so adorable at her first dance recital.

Kasey and I laughed, smiled, and giggled our entire way through the show.
Sometimes I swear we feel as proud as her as her parents do....isn't being an Aunt sometimes the best feeling!?

And let me tell you, it doesn't hurt that she's adorable, spunky, and sassy.
{NOTHING like her aunties...seriously. Mwa ha ha ha}
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