Wednesday, June 8, 2011

memorial day

First of all, can I get a WHOOP WHOOP for the weather?

Alright, let's be honest.  A guy at work yesterday said "Can't we get a happy freakin' medium" Here here...but finally is starting to feel like summer, and for that I refuse to complain.

We were FINALLY able to spend Memorial weekend at the cabin.  We could not have been more excited.  Jacks even counted down the days every morning for nine days straight.

He apparently was so excited that he fell in fully clothed within about six minutes of being on the dock.
{and yes, they are required to wear life jackets, thank God}

Here are a few from the weekend:

Hanging out on G&G's swing we all gave them for Christmas...

We're hoping this bod will be a little less blinding in about a month...
{thanks for taking one for the team, B...I know I'm just as white as you are}

Finster, enjoying the view with Grandma.

Learning to get the best squirts...

This is Finney's newest face.  She cracks us up daily.

Can you stand all of the chubbiness that is this picture!?

One of my favs from the weekend...I was sleeping at this point too, so I'm not even sure who took this picture, but it mysteriously ended up on my camera...

And isn't this what the cabin is all about, anyway!?  Total relaxation.
{Aunt Jess, Aves, and Jacks}
There has been a running joke that B got to take the first cannon ball into the water.  Since we all went to look at the cabins when my parents were deciding which one to purchase, and B so graciously stayed home with all of the kiddos so we could do so, he got the honor.  Well, he did it.  Jess has a picture of it somewhere {Je - send it to me, would you?} I will show's pure delight.

{I got it.....}
And one for the little lady's toes.
Happy {start to} Summer, y'all.

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