Monday, June 20, 2011

my little monkies

A couple of weeks ago, we decided to pack up and take all of the kids to the zoo
{have I mentioned we have another summer daughter this year!?  Kas moved in!!}

It was so much fun this year, as Fin was really old enough to point things out, make animal noises, and giggle with joy as she saw things that she thought were as hilarious as she thinks she is!

Helping Kas push the now empty stroller...
We decided we look tired and terrible in every picture we've taken this summer.  Maybe it's because I'm not used to having such great entertainment to keep me awake far past my bedtime every night she's not working into the wee hours of the morning!

And what's a hot hot day at the zoo without a meltdown or two!?

Yes, Jacks was there too...he just runs too fast and refuses to take pictures these days :(

I'm not sure who was shocked more during this picture...the goat, me or Fin, but when he jumped right onto my shoulders I screamed.  Oops :)

Group shot...It pays to have a live-in photographer!

And one for my hubs... {Happy Father's Day, by the way!!}

Happy Summer, my summer daughter.  We're glad to have you!!


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