Monday, October 27, 2008
A mini who???

The farm....and SNOW!?
On that note...why is it that every year, I am shocked when the first snow comes!? You'd think we would start to be ready for it...but not this girl. I dread it every year.
Look at Brad trying to shield his face....yep - it was windy!
Since we had to come inside, Jack found his own little piece of machinery to play with. Thanks again for the fun weekend, G&G!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
The shirt says it all...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Miyo Miyo Bo Biyo
I only wish I had taken a picture of her in the most adorable little tutu I had Jess make for her. We also got her this necklace from Erin at the Vintage Pearl...and believe me, it is as cute as it looks online.
We decided to enjoy the weather and take a trip to the Arboretum. Here are a few of my favorite pictures...
We hope you all enjoyed your weekend, too....if Mr. Weatherman is right, it's officially over this week!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
It's officially fall
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Darcy and Joel's Wedding
Bahamas, Baby!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Goodbye Crib - Hello Big Boy Bed!
No, jack - this is not your new play spot!
Putting up the Big Boy Bed!
Brad kept looking at me, with my teary eyes asking if I was OK (Thank God he didn't take any pictures!) It's just my first baby is getting so old...I couldn't get over it!
Finally we got him into bed, let him know he had to stay in his room, and after a little bit of convincing, he stayed in. An hour later, we wanted to see where he fell asleep, so I tried to open the door. When I couldn't get it open, this is what I saw...
He had carried "Pingy" (his name for his blanky) and Puppy to the door, and decided to sleep there. I snuck in and took this one from inside his room.
Sweet Tooth
Fact: I had braces in high school.
Fact: I broke out my bottom "permanent" retainer eating a Sugar Daddy.
Fact: I told the orthodontist I bit into a big carrot.
Yes, that says Giant...
Jack couldn't get over how big it was either...and of course thought we should try to eat it. I think not...I do NOT need to pass on the "sweet" genes!!
PS...Do you think the orthodontist believed me?? :)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Daddy Day!
All in all, I really look forward to our "Daddy Days". Each day Jack is developing so much and being able to spend this much alone time with his is awesome. Today he was pushing his school bus around saying, "I'm going to work daddy, see you later" and around the corner he went. Jack was signing along with the school bus; however, the bus says "Stop and Go, Stop and Go", and Jack yells, "Soccer ball, Soccer ball" which kind of sounds like stop and go. What a character!
That's about all I have for today. Jack is asking to have some grapes and to watch Tarzan. Looks like a movie and snacks for Jack and dad!