Each month I take a Friday off from working in the office and stay home with Jack. This day is now officially referred to as "Daddy Day" and has turned into quite the occasion. Starting on Thursday night, Jack says tomorrow is Daddy Day! In case you are wondering what happens on daddy day, here's a short list of the usual. I make a big breakfast (today was waffles and eggs), we play with cars, play baseball, play football, play soccer, climb on everything, take a nap that is too short (for both of us!), and run around outside! All of this happens while I try to get as much work done as possible. I always have my phone close by to reply to emails and take calls for work.
All in all, I really look forward to our "Daddy Days". Each day Jack is developing so much and being able to spend this much alone time with his is awesome. Today he was pushing his school bus around saying, "I'm going to work daddy, see you later" and around the corner he went. Jack was signing along with the school bus; however, the bus says "Stop and Go, Stop and Go", and Jack yells, "Soccer ball, Soccer ball" which kind of sounds like stop and go. What a character!
That's about all I have for today. Jack is asking to have some grapes and to watch Tarzan. Looks like a movie and snacks for Jack and dad!
{Around Home} photos
7 years ago
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