I can't tell you how many times since Finley has been born I've been asked if we are Irish. No, we're not in ANY way Irish. Although we are a Scandinavian hodge-podge, Irish is in no part of our blood...but on St. Patrick's Day, we can pretend :)
Dressed in green, it was photo shoot time...and all of these photos make me laugh.
Don't they look like they genuinely love each other?? Because truthfully speaking, they do. Fin follows Jacks around (although her bobble-head has a hard time keeping up) and he constantly showers her in kisses...man I love these kids.

Remember that love?? Sometimes he just wants to squeeze a little too tight.

Fin is SUCH a Daddy's girl...I love her pure enjoyment of him in this one. I think she may have a chicken complex though someday since his nickname for her is "Finner Finner Chicken Dinner" Beckett has just started to call her "Chicken Dinner"...forget the Finner Finner stuff.

Fin's expression in this one cracks me up....like "OK, Jack...you can step out of my frame now."

See that flash of lightning over Fin? Yep, that's Jack...jumping over her. The day he learned the "Jack jumps over a candle stick" at school, it was over. And see, she can't quite keep up with that flash of lightning. Never ask if I have my hands full. Enough said.

Smiling is pretty much a bribery only. All he wants to do is funny faces, and then look at the camera immediately afterward to see how funny he is. He must take after Aunt Jess :) KIDDING, JESS!

Man I love this little family. Some day I will be in some of the pictures again...but for now I love just looking at them and smiling. They are all the loves of my life.

Oh yeah - and remember the JINX! I heard of Fin's sleeping habits? Yep, the night after I wrote that she was up at 3am and thought it would be fun to play until 7:15 when I dropped her off at daycare. She then proceeded to sleep until NOON. I guess she showed me...