Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Burning off energy

Our weekends are typically consumed with one thing...trying to find fun ways to burn off Jack's energy.

When Grandma Sandy showed us on Friday that the Plasma Cars she got the kids for Christmas were great for riding down the driveway, we started Saturday off with many trips down our own...

And yes, when I say we, I mean WE...I think it may be just as fun for adults as it is kids!

But when it started raining outside, it was time to make an obstacle course inside.

Our house is the epitome of kid-friendly...but I wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

Heidi Myhre said...

We have the exact same plasma car. I definitely love it more than the kids do! :) Wouldn't it be funny if instead of going for a walk, we rode our plasma cars around the neighborhood instead?? (if we lived closer to each other, I'm sure we would!) haha.

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