I am a self-professed fidgiter. Fidgity McFidgerton. Seriously. It's no wonder my kids can't sit still...neither can their Mom...or their Dad for that matter.
Call if what you want - squirley {like my Mom used to say} squirmy, toe-tapping...it all means the same thing...annoying.
I can't sit still, and that includes at work. In an effort to do so, when I worked inside sales selling office supplies {did you really not know I did that? Yeah, I can't really believe it either} I tried to calm my nerves...and thus, I began sitting cross-legged in my desk chair.
{Criss-cross apple sauce as Jacks would say}.
{picture this...only with stilettos}
Today, after working with me for over three years, apparently my boss decided to say something about it. I laughed out loud at how ridiculous I must look. I mean REALLY who sits that way as a grown adult? "Me, that's who!"...and he chuckles as well. At least I can laugh at myself, right?? He knows I did prenatal yoga with Finley {and if you are pregnant, it is a MUUUUUST}, and thought it had something to do with that. Nope...I'm just squirley.
And who knows...the next thing you know I may be doing this. {yeah, right} He should consider himself lucky.

1 comment:
GUILTY! I also sit cross legged at work with my feet behind the bar of the armrest - TALK ABOUT ODD!
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