Everyone says it, but you wish you knew now what you didn't know then....
Here are a few things I've learned (as taken on Memorial Day weekend)
Growing up on a farm really is better than in town (even if you can't ride your bike to your friends' house) Come on - look at all of the room for football!

Little sisters will keep you young...or at least make you laugh for the rest of your old life.

Grandpas will always give the best pushes.

A Mom of strong women is the strongest woman of all.
(And our Mom just may be the best that comes around).

I may have been an athlete, but I hope my kids get their skills from their Dad.
Some contests will never end...like who can swing higher??

Even with lots of girls in our family, I think we're officially outnumbered if boyfriends count. (So of course they don't count yet)
Hee hee.
I'm only fast enough to race a 6-year-old.

And even he makes me tip over if spun around fast enough.
Girls have their Daddies wrapped around their finger.
But the biggest lesson I've learned...
I think I'd like to move back to the farm...what do you think, B? =)
You are too cute. Love the blog post.
Very cute post Rach! Nothing better than living in the country!
We Love life the most when you all are home. God is so good! Love, Mom
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