First of all, I don't understand why this won't let me post as myself. B puts up one post and it is forever signed in as him I guess! :)
Ah, yes...the weekend. Aside from the very FUN things that happened this weekend, there was certainly a tragedy. And I am clearly using that word lightly since I KNOW in the grand scheme of things, they could be so much worse.
Jacks decided to catch himself with his teeth this weekend. On our basement floor. Although our basement is unfinished, it does have a very thin carpet to keep it warmer. That thin carpet, as it turns out, doesn't break a fall very well.
His tooth was pretty loose. We kept telling him not to touch it in hopes that it would tighten itself back up {enter bad Mom moment}.
The next morning when he woke up, he cried because it hurt so bad, would barely let us SEE it, much less touch it. His gums were really swollen, and when he smiled it actually stuck out from his lips. Although it was hard not to giggle when we saw it, we knew we had to call.
Our dentist, bless her heart, was getting married the next day and STILL came in to see him. After mucho gas and novicaine, his first (and hopefully only!?) oral surgery was over. He was a total champ and felt great afterwards right away. The dentist said he could have ice cream for lunch, and since he hadn't learned how to eat with his new mouth, he kept spraying the table when we laughed, it was pretty funny!
I took pictures when we were at the dentist...not becuase I am a mean Mom, but I wanted to remember even the hard days.
Here is a picture of his x-ray. As you can see, every time I wiggled his tooth to see if it had "tightened up" I was actually exposing his little nerve since the tooth itself was shattered into three different places. Luckily, the permanent teeth are totally fine - WHEW!
Here is how he smiled Sunday morning - we KNEW something was up :) And now you understand why it was hard not to giggle!
Little gas man...
SUCH a trooper.
I will post a picture later today of how his smile turned out. Since I took it on my other camera I don't have it with me right now...but lets just say his aunt (who shall remain nameless) suggested he be a hillbilly for Halloween this year. I think he'll have to be that for the next three or four years considering it will take that long to grow a new one in!
I really do know that this is not the worst thing that can happen to a kid...we are so fortunate that he's healthy. It's just that now everyone will know how full our hands are just by looking :)
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