Sunday, December 12, 2010

what a whirlwind

This weekend was truly a whirlwind...

And while I edit those photos, here's what we're up to this Sunday morning.

The kids and I are letting Brad deal with this....

That's the 21.5" of snow we got this weekend. Yish.

We're just enjoying our Christmas tree...
Lighting our favorite candles....
And keeping a cup of coffee warm {not HOT!} for Daddy when he gets in the door.
Oh yeah, and playing lots of Play Dough, but Jacks refuses to have his picture taken this morning, so no fun shot there :)

The Christmas program at church was postponed until next weekend, so we're crossing our fingers that my parents can still make the drive in for my Dad's birthday brunch.

Stay warm today, and if you're in our safe!

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