Friday, April 8, 2011

mr. man

Yesterday was picture day for Mr. Man.
Remember the tie he cried over!?  Well, it was found...and he insisted he wear it for his pictures.
I'm not sure at which point during the morning process the glasses got thrown into the mix, but he was cracking us up all morning.

My little guy is growing up so fast all of the sudden.
Today on his way to school he told Brad how sad he was that they were cutting down so many trees to make the roads better...oh, and littering is bad.
And did you know that meat is really an animal!?
 Like...we EAT ANIMALS!?  Yeah, normal conversation around our dinner table.

 Fin didn't want to feel left out, so Jacks found her glasses too....
{and I'm pretty sure she's flashin' a peace sign!?}
That's another thing...he is SUCH a good brother to her.  What used to be a lot of pinching, pulling, and pushing his limits with her has turned into constantly finding her what she wants to play with, lots of giggles, and a true friendship.  
Oh, how I love them.


Jess said...


Erica Wirtz said...

How great are those pictures!!! Jack looks like such a stud in the first one :)

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