Tuesday, November 1, 2011

happy halloween

Halloween typically starts the weekend before the big day, and this year was no exception.
We loaded the kiddos up and headed out to the farm.
First stop: Gigi and Grandpa's house.
We don't get to see them nearly enough, so it's fun for them to be able to see the kids in their costumes.

My little bruiser and his biggest fan.

I think Fin could have played with as many of Gigi's breakables as possible if we let her.
Good thing Gigi is a softie and ENCOURAGES her to!

After missing Grandma Lois (she's a busy busy gal) we headed back to the farm.
Here's our special Luci Mae. She's getting skinny, but she's had a LOT of good years on the farm.
In June, she turned 14. We thought she was 98 and doing pretty good, until Tom mentioned the rules had changed, and she's only 69. 
Well, we think you're lookin' good anyway, Luc!

We explored the farm way more than we have in a while, which was so much fun. We climbed on everything, and even spent a ton of time in the hay loft of the barn. I hadn't realized my kids had never been up there, and Jacks was SO interested when I told him how everything worked. I swear it never gets old to see your kid WANTING to learn new things. Especially when they were second nature to me growing up.

Little Gophers and The Dukes of Hazard.

The night of Halloween, it is always a crazy night, but we had SO much fun this year.
We started when it was still light out.
{you know, with a bribe of NO candy unless you pose for a picture.}

My creepy costume.
Hey, at least I wasn't a preggers nun, right??

Fin figuring out what my shirt was all about. It was SO hilarious, and quite adorable, too.
She even asked the baby if it wanted some candy. :)

Posing with Mr. Parker, the highway patrolman.

After the girls had enough, we went back to the house to hand out candy, and watch a little Lion King.


Then Jacks came home to help too. I almost think he liked handing out candy better than trick or treating.
He says he gets to see more kids that way :)
And they were obsessed with sitting on the step, looking at the pumpkins and watching for kids to come.

I hope everyone's Halloween was as fun as ours!

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