Tuesday, January 10, 2012

worth noting - 26 weeks

Alright, so as of today, I'm 26 weeks el preggo with this little bambino.

I can honestly say I haven't had any plans to update a belly pic, but today is worth noting...even if it is for me to look back at and have a good giggle.

Today, as I was walking past the office of one of my co-workers, he yelled out...
"I heard black was slimming!? MWA HA HA HA HA" {Insert a loud annoying laugh here}.

My initial reaction was to turn around, go into his office, and give him a quick kick in the teeth.
Instead, I started laughing, and I couldn't stop. That's what happens when I'm pregnant.
I get the giggles. Just try to watch America's Funniest Videos or Ridiculousness with me. I dare you.

So I promptly went to the bathroom, and snapped this picture.
Yes, your belly update brought to you by the finest restroom facilities in Symantec. :)

Yesterday I had one of those days. The ones where you could just crawl back into bed because you feel SOOOOOO ugly. So today, it was an all-black day. Apparently it's not so slimming??
Ha ha ha.

I'm feeling great. Besides feeling like a heifer, I really do feel better.
I can eat {just ask me by the 23 pounds I've already gained in 26 weeks...and 15 of those weeks I was ill.}
YIKES. 23 pounds. I only gained 27 with Fin, and I have 14 weeks left. I'm in some SERIOUS trouble.
I haven't really had any cravings. But lots of things that sound good to Brad just don't sound good to me. But let's be honest - that's pretty typical.

I've been having some back issues, but I started going to the chiropractor again {woo hoo} and I'm hoping to see some results soon.

So that's it. Feeling good, but not really lookin' it??
26 weeks gone, 14 to go.
98 Days.
Not that anyone is counting
{And actually I wasn't counting until Brad thought it would be a good idea to ask Siri. And then I took his phone and broke it. Ok, not really.}

I am just so excited to meet this little lovey, so baby....grow grow grow grow. I'm hoping for a fat baby this time.

Peace Out.

1 comment:

Mergen's said...

You look GREAT! Stop the nonsense talk, Mrs. Hove!

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