Wednesday, February 22, 2012

they're cute. so I cry.

My kids are cute. Well, if you ask me they're cute.
This week they've started something new...

Brad is traveling. Not that this is anything new, but when you're as uncomfortable as me, the days get LONG.
After dinner and dishes are done, I need nothing more than to sit down for a couple of minutes.
The best part? My kids totally understand, and take full advantage.
They take turns laying on my belly and talking to the baby. Melts.My.Heart.

Fin usually says things like "Do you want to sing Twinkle Twinkle? Hi Baby! You wanna play with me? Hi Baby, HIIIIIIIIII!".

Jacks on the other hand usually has other things to say....
"Hey baby, when you come out your belly button is going to be ugly.
You can NOT play with my toys. Are you girls going to gang up on me since I'm the only boy?" 
Makes me giggle.

 But after those "thoughtful" words of encouragement, Jacks whispered really quietly...
"Baby, did you know that we have the best Mama ever??  So be nice to her.  Her belly hurts, and you're making her feet big...and we want Mommy to wrestle with us again, K??"

{I mean, really...look at those feet already.}

So what do I do? I cry. And I can't stop crying.
Maybe because it was so adorable.
Maybe because I wish I could wrestle again too.
Maybe I'm SERIOUSLY over-tired, and everything hurts.
Maybe because I'm hormonal.

But man, I love my kids.
And every once in a while they let me know how much they love me.

And more often than not, Jacks snaps me back to reality and lets me know how to keep it real.

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