Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Finely's Baptism

This is a really old catch-up. We had Finley baptised on January 31, and I'm finally getting the pictures up! It was a fun day, and we were so glad our families could be there to celebrate with us on such an important day in Fin's life.

Finners and her sponsors: Jeremy and Melissa, Kasey, and Kara

And that thing about never getting a good picture again?? Yeah.....thanks Jacks :) He does crack us up though.

Don't we look tired?? Not that it should be surprising with a newborn and a 3-year old that sleeps WORSE than the newbie....

On a good note - Finley is finally sleeping through the night. (Did I hear a JINX! out there??) She's been sleeping from 11-7! She still gets up for 4:00 feeding every once in a while, but we feel blessed to have a sleeper on our hands. The other night she didn't fall asleep until closer to 1, but we were shocked when she didn't wake up until almost 11:00!! Now, if her big brother could follow suit, that would be sweeeeeeeeet. Too much to ask? I know.

Oh - and I couldn't post without showing you the adorable invitations Jess made for me. I was SO not on top of things this time around, so I ended up just emailing this out to everyone, which ended up being great, and much easier! (I mean, come know my "Christmas" letters had to be re-named "New Years" cards this year, and even THEY were late!)

1 comment:

Carissa said...

Looks like it was a great day!

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