I'm fairly certain I can't put into writing how much I simply adore these photos.
It could be the fact that I adore our photog, and that she has the ability to capture our family unlike any other....
I wanted to get these pictures taken early enough to still be outside, but as close as possible to Finley's birthday, so we picked a random November weekend a few months ago. It was the last nice weekend of the fall. I think within four days of these pictures, there was over a foot of snow on the ground.
I mean, really....just LOOK at these pics.
It could be the fact that I adore our photog, and that she has the ability to capture our family unlike any other....
I wanted to get these pictures taken early enough to still be outside, but as close as possible to Finley's birthday, so we picked a random November weekend a few months ago. It was the last nice weekend of the fall. I think within four days of these pictures, there was over a foot of snow on the ground.
I mean, really....just LOOK at these pics.

As a Mom, I especially {heart} this picture.
I mean, who steps out from behind the camera to get a picture with their kids, and to get BOTH of them smiling!?
HELLO, amazing!

She did.

I can just hear {All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth}

And really - I may give him the most grief in the world, but I'm lucky to have such a great man.
It helps that he's the best Dad I know...
Love, Mommy
'Adorable little fam' is right! You have an amazing family -- and are an amazingly beautiful and talented lady. :-)
Amazing pictures Rache!
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