Saturday, Brad and I had an afternoon date with Kip.
I'm not sure I have ever been so pumped to see a movie, or to feel like a giddy teenager, but we went to the Hunger Games.
The date was followed up by my parents and the Newman kids over for dinner, and a sleepover.
I'm pretty sure my kids thought it was the best day ever, and it was much needed by me, too.
{Although I realize I should have skipped the popcorn...I've been so careful about my sodium intake, but HOW do you pass up POPCORN at a movie!?}
After playing outside LONG past the time it was dark, I tucked all of the kids into our bed and turned on a movie.
Within five minutes, this is what we found...
Within five minutes, this is what we found...

Sweet sweet sleepover success.
And no surprise that it was the oldest and the youngest that were the first to crash...pretty typical of both of them.
And no surprise that it was the oldest and the youngest that were the first to crash...pretty typical of both of them.
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